Accelerating the Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa

Investing in a climate-smart African future

Frequently Asked Questions

You can access the application from here.

  • Young Zambians/SMEs with innovations in Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Information Systems
  • Develop viable ideas and or prototypes.
  • Recent graduates and final year students will also be considered
  • Demonstrate ability to implement idea/solutions beyond the grant and internship
  • Age limit is 18-35 years

Proof of Market

  •  Is there a valid problem identified?
  • Who is the market?
  • What information is there to support this?
  • Has the research been done?

Novelty of Innovation

  • Is this something unique in the Zambian market?
  • How innovative is it?
  • How differentiated is it in the market?
  • Does it improve on existing solutions?


  • What makes your team likely not just to be a local success but be a serious contender? (Passion, Insight, Experience, Qualifications)

Challenge Statements

  • Does the idea address at least one of the challenge statements presented by AICCRA?

Viability and Sustainability

  • Is the idea viable & sustainable? Can the idea scale?

AICCRA works to make climate information services and climate-smart agriculture more accessible to millions of smallholder farmers across Africa. With better access to technology and advisory services—linked to information about effective response measures—farmers can better anticipate climate-related events to take preventative action that helps their communities safeguard livelihoods and the environment.
AICCRA has teams in six countries: Senegal, Ghana, Mali, Ethiopia, Kenya and Zambia. These teams collaborate with four AICCRA themes – Knowledge, Partnerships, Innovation and Gender and social inclusion. While these teams focus on accelerating impact in AICCRA focus countries, AICCRA also has a number of regional initiatives that complement national activities to deliver benefits for a broader range of stakeholders across East, West and Southern Africa.

BongoHive Consult is a digital and corporate innovation consulting firm providing custom interventions to SMEs and corporations. BongoHive Consult helps organizations build products and services their customers love.
We use strategy, creativity, sector and business insights, and technology; bringing our vast experience supporting high-growth ventures to co-create what’s next.

Over the past ten (10) years, BongoHive has supported over one thousand (1, 000) startups and over twenty-three (23) public, private, local and international partners to build cutting edge products and services, delivering value to their customers and shareholders across four (4) countries.
BongoHive Consult supports organizations in delivering innovation by leveraging design thinking, lean startup modelling, agile and scrum methodologies. In practice this includes, but is not limited to innovation challenges that BongoHive facilitates on behalf of corporations by collaborating with staff through short, intensive hackathons, sprints and co-creation workshops pulling on experts, techies & consumers alike to design & test ideas solving social or business challenges that impede business growth.

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